Friday, March 5, 2010

'Innity -Digital Media Vantage' sangat kejam

Huwaaa..Kejam. Sangat kejam. Mentang-mentanglah pelawat blog aku sikit je. Mentang-mentanglah trafik aku paling tinggi pun 36 je, pihak Innity *Digital Media Vantage* tolak cinta aku mentah-mentah.

Tindakan mu itu membuatkan aku tidur tidak lena mandi habis sekolam. Makan tak lalu nasi habis sepinggan udang. hohoho..encik Innity *Digital Media Vantage* kejam !

Hangin aku dengan ayat emel dia :

Dear Hye Babes,
Thank you for your application to join Innity Performance Network.
After a few rounds of review by our team, we have found that your site now does not yet meet our network criteria.
Therefore, we are unable to accept you into our network. We do believe in the potential of your site to grow substantially over the years and we are still open to future cooperation.
We have to ensure the effectiveness of Performance ads for our publishers and our advertisers. Hence, we review all publishers, and unfortunately we have to reject certain applicants.
If you need more information, please let us know.Thank you for your understanding.
Sincerely,The Innity Performance Network Team
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Adeh..siap tak bagi aku reply mesej dia ini. Huhuhu..kejam giler. Takpe-takpe..Kau tolak cinta aku ye encik Innity *Digital Media Vantage*..esok-esok kalau aku kahwin dengan putera raja ke, anak hartawan ke, jangan harap kau melutut kat kepala lutut aku.

Untuk membalas dendam, aku akan berusaha naikkan trafik blog aku.

Kalau trafik aku tinggi, jangan harap aku nak terima kau balik encik Innity *Digital Media Vantage* ye encik ye. Dan jangan sekali-sekali merayu dan melutut pada laptop aku untuk menerima cintamu yang dah berubah itu.



Hye Babes © 2008 Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by Dapina